English Language Teaching Department of the Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch is proud to announce 15th International TELLSI Conference to be held on November 22-24, 2017. The conference aims to delve into the theoretical and practical sides of the most contentious and thought-provoking issues in the realms of ELT, English literature, and translation studies. The theme of the conference this year is Applied Linguistics in the 3rd Millennium: Towards Criticality and Reflection. The participants around the globe are kindly invited to critically reflect and review the fields of applied linguistics in the early years of the third millennium. The theme aims to be inclusive of the breadth of the field of applied linguistics and focuses on evaluating the current trends and tackling the major concerns with a view to projecting the future directions of the field.
The researchers are invited to submit their papers on the theme of the conference or within, but not limited to, the following scopes:
– (Critical) Discourse Analysis
– Reflective Teaching Practice
– (Critical) Language Assessment
– Interlanguage Pragmatics
– Interactional Sociolinguistics
– Second Language Teacher Education
– Identity in Language Learning
– Material Preparation and Evaluation
– Teaching Language Skills
– Psychology and Language Teaching
– Translation Studies
– Literature, Globalization, and Cultural Studies
– Comparative Literature
– Post-colonial Studies
– Literature and Modern Critical Theory
– Literature and Postmodern Identity
– Comparative Literature
The confirmed keynote speakers are Dr. Garold Murray, Okayama University and Dr. Ardeshir Geranpayeh, Automated Assessment and learning department, university of Cambridge.
We invite papers, posters, and workshop proposals. For further queries, please visit the conference website
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