12. Paperity
Paperity boasts being the “first multidisciplinary aggregator of open access journals and papers.” Their focus is helping you avoid paywalls while connecting you to authoritative research.
In addition to providing readers with easy access to thousands of journals, Paperity seeks to help authors reach their audiences and help journals raise exposure to boost readership.
13. dblp Computer Science Bibliography
The dblp Computer Science Bibliography is an online index of major computer science publications. Although it provides access to both free access articles and those behind a paywall, you can limit your search to only full-text articles. The site indexes more than three million publications, making it an invaluable resource in the world of computer science.
14. EconBiz
EconBiz is a great resource for economic and business studies. A service of the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, it offers access to full texts online, with the option of searching for open access material only.
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