7th International Conference on Language and Literary Studies 2018

The Faculty of Foreign Languages (Alfa BK University in Belgrade) is glad to announce its Seventh International Conference on Language and Literary Studies, which will be held on 18–19 May 2018.

For the seventh issue of our annual conference, we hope to gather academics and professionals whose research focuses on and contributes to the conference topic:


Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and numerous fine nuances derived from these basic emotions make part of our everyday experience, which is perhaps why we tend not to give them too much serious thought. They make such a substantial and inseparable portion of our lives that we forget that they are also linguistically expressed (or silenced), artistically performed (or disregarded), and (dis)articulated discursively, visually, and textually. The Language, Literature, and Emotions conference will address the significance and construction of the broad, perhaps indefinable, range of emotions in human culture. While such an ample scope indubitably requires more research than a single conference can provide, the aim of this edition is to present at least some empirical and theoretical views on emotions across arts and humanities. Within the broad scope of this topic and with your participation and collaboration, we shall attempt to look into the issues such as: