DAILY GRAMMAR (DG) 09-03-2018
1. Recently, a man who raped a five years old girl was publicly executed in Saudi Arabia. (No)
Recently, a man who raped a five-year old girl was publicly executed in Saudi Arabia. (Yes)
(When a numeral with a noun phrase like the one used appears before another noun, the phrase is hyphenated and the plural marker is dropped. For example, “a three-week examination”, “a ten-year anniversary”, ” a four-year course”, “a twelve-inch ruler”, etc.)
2. I think you need a medical attention.
I think you need medical attention.
(“Attention” is a mass/uncountable noun and it does not require the article, “a”, in use.)
3. I wish the Governor resigns with immediate effect. (No)
I wish the Governor resign with immediate effect. (Yes)
(In Mandative Subjunctive Concord as we have here, or where recommendation , resolution, suggestion , demand, wish or prayer is involved in a sentence, the verb takes the plural form (without “s”) regardless of whether the subject is singular or plural. For example, “the Committee recommended that he pay a fine”; “we all resolve she divorce her husband”; “the Chairman demanded the student go out immediately”; “they wish the Minister perform better”; and “I pray God answer my prayers”. In all the examples, “should”, which is understood to precede the verbs, is omitted, though it may still be included.)
Did You Know?
The chess term, “checkmate”, derives from a 14th century Arabic phrase, “shah mat”, which means, “the king is helpless.”
Hope I can share this daily grammar on my facebook and whatsapp pages?
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